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About Us Us Us

Persatuan Bekas Penuntut Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh or STAROBA is a registered society with Registry of Societies of Malaysia. Staroba was registered in 1961 with its main aim as an avenue for alumni of STAR, Ipoh to gather and re-connect to create supporting and cooperative environment for its members.

On top pf that, STAROBA provides an opportunity for its members to contribute back to their beloved alma mater in a more collective and structured manner.

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Our Presidents Presidents Presidents

Our Commitee Commitee Commitee

Our Commitee Commitee Commitee

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Our Members Members Members

About Us

Persatuan Bekas Penuntut Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh or STAROBA is a registered society with Registry of Societies of Malaysia.

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